Monday, October 22, 2012

Stats on Stats

Oh hey there super loyal blog readers. My stats say some of you are still following along everyday.  It's too bad I'm not so great at keeping this thing up to date.  I guess that why my last blog died down a bit. As in any emotionally abusive relationship, I'm sorry baby. It won't happen again.

I'm struggling with the food part.  I actually enjoy exercising, but telling myself that I'm not allowed to have certain things is only making me want those exact items.  It's amazing how people can keep this up for a lifetime. You know how they say life style changes and all that jazz.  The problem is that I need to tell myself that I'm healthy because it's going to keep me going and strong and ALIVE.  Instead I just keeping thinking about sculpted legs. There really is a fine line between the two.

Today I rotatated exercises and just kept doing them until I couldn't anymore. So I'm not sure how many I did, but it was a few simple ones that we all know and love. Over and over.

arm lifts
russian twists
leg lifts
calf raises

I would do one until I couldn't anymore and then switch to the next exercise.  It's a bit lame, but I was at home and not really wanting to go to the gym.  It's raining. Rainy days affect me, okay. Sitting on the floor in my bedroom and watching Netflix was going to have to suffice for the evening. Now I'm up to date with my current tv drama of choice and my muscles are feeling good. Two birds. Call me efficient.

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