Monday, October 15, 2012


It's always been my thought that calories don't count on vacation. Well, during this trip to California my wonderful boyfriend informed me otherwise by saying, "but, they actually do so....".

I dumped him.

So, sorry I've been gone but I've been thinking of ways to NOT gain weight on vacation.  Here's what I came up with:

1. Don't go on vacation.
2. Don't go on any trips with guys. They eat.
3. Don't go to a McDonald's during the 14 hour trip because you need Wi-Fi for a second to do some work.
4. Don't go tailgaiting.
5. Don't go out to eat.
6. Don't go to babyshowers with their tricky miniature food.
7. Don't go to the pier where you can buy delicious clam chowder and fried donuts.
8. Don't let your friend buy fried donuts.
9. Don't leave your house food-less and be tempted to order a pizza when you get home because you're starving and there's nothing to eat.
10. Don't live by the phrase "You only live once". That'll get you killed. Or at least heart disease.

But we're back in action and I did the eliptical for an hour today.  I started 20 minutes before Lance and he hopped on the one next to me to see if he could catch up with the amount of calories I burned. And, he actually did. Does everything come easier for a man? I mean he already has the higher paying job, no child birth, shorter lines for the restroom, no fear of being attacked in an alley, keep the last name, shirtless summers, 10 minute morning prep time and naturally knowing how to fix...everything. Couldn't I just have the calorie burn for the day?

At least I didn't leave the gym as sweaty as he did. So, there's one for the girls.

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